Keep your children safe online: monitoring apps and software

Sat 11 Jun 2022
We all want to keep our children safe online. To help with this we will send a link to a resource which is aimed at parents, every week.

Here is today's: monitoring apps and software which enable parents to track the activity of their children.

Whilst there is no substitute for an open and honest dialogue with young people regarding their online activity, there may be times when young minds are tempted to explore areas of the web which parents would not want them to. For that reason, software exists which can closely monitor the activity of your child's devices.

We neither recommend nor discourage the use of such software, but it is available and parents often express a desire to know more about their child's online activities. Should a family choose to use software such as the type recommended on the external link below, the best advice we have seen is that all members of a household should be a part of the decision to use it - all members should know it is there and how it will be used to keep everyone safer, whilst still allowing access to all of the greater benefits the world wide web brings.